The challenge for group instructors is for people to get real value (results) from their program in order to keep on coming. Most of the time, the group class is focused more on the cardio or HIIT element, and does not allow for a personalized weight program based on their goals. While their clients may get a great workout the days they attend class, it is usually what they do on the other days that will dictate success to their overall fitness goals.

Can use Trainer+ to provide a personalized weight plan to supplement group classes

  • Strength work to be done on days in between classes customized for the client

Can be sold and implemented...

  • Through initial assessment process or by building in an assessment and one-on-one component to the class

  • Package the personalized plans and assessments with bootcamp or membership

Offset costs by charging a premium for this additional support and because the reassessments will give more natural upselling points.

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