Sell training based on needs and have a long-term relationship with your clients no matter their budget, schedule or location.
Workout, Program and Assessment Builder
Easy Tracking
Real Time Updates
Create Custom Exercises
Easy Exercise Search
Supersets, Rest Time, Tempo, and Trainer Notes
Automated Follow Up
Lead Generation
With all of these features, you can make sure clients get the support they need in between face-to-face meetings.
This gives you all the tools you need to help any type of client:
Regular Training
Irregular Training
Monthly Programming
Online Support
The future of personal training isn’t just doing the same thing but online, it is using technology to scale your value to more people. Try Trainer+.
Do you want the gym you work at to start using Trainer+?
Pssst. That would mean that your gym pays for you to use Trainer+ with your clients!